
Friday, January 24, 2014

Bonsai as a gift.

Bonsai Trees & Accessories

Baby Jade Bonsai Tree - Medium  Portulacaria Afra


Giving a bonsai tree as a gift is a gesture of respect and a harbinger of good fortune. They symbolize harmony, honor, patience, as well as happiness among friends and family.

 Bonsai Boy of New York 
The definition of the term "Bonsai" is a plant, usually a tree or shrub, that is grown in a container and made to look like a mature tree through the use of various training techniques. The plant usually does not exceed 1 meter in height. The art of bonsai as we know it, traces back almost 2000 yrs. The word 'bonsai' is made up of 2 Japanese characters or word phrases, "bon" & "sai." "Bon" is the pot, tray or container; the "sai" is the tree or potted planting. The original word Bonsai comes from the Chinese word "P'en Tsai" which sounds similar to bonsai and has nearly the same meaning. It couldn’t be further from the true spirit of bonsai, howerver, if we restrict our interpretation in this way. It is indeed a tree in a pot, but a tree that has been subjected to a number of horticultural and aesthetic disciplines through which visual harmony and botanical well being is achieved. The essence of classical Bonsai is to produce a healthy miniature representation of a tree.
The ultimate challenge for the bonsai designer is to expose the essence of the tree. The art of bonsai is telling a story through living illusion. The artist strives to find avenues for personal expression within the confines of good horticultural practice. Bonsai is a pleasant mix of form, thought and suggestion in a miniature world and like all good art, it endures.
Beginners and students often share the same concern: having the ability to maintain a healthy plant. The key is in being able to control the degree of stress that a plant will take and still remain healthy. "Stress" here is not psychological stress, but referring to the horticultural practice of being able to know how much is too much, and how much is too little. This principal applies to all aspects to Bonsai culture, including air, water, soil, sun, nutrients, temperature, altitude, pruning, etc. The challenge is to have the willingness to learn, experiment and accept the results of these efforts. Another aspect central to bonsai is time. The growth process takes time, and there are no shortcuts. A growing year is the usual yardstick by which success is measured. Caring for your bonsai over time creates a deep sense of satisfaction. There is no replacement for time; it is always constant and moving forward.
Bonsai is about trees, trees grown in miniature. It is also about time and space and about life and attitudes. Historically, Bonsai was a part of the culture, an important part of family heritage. Equally, Bonsai can be simply a horticultural past time requiring no more than a measure of common garden sense, some artistic ability and plenty of patience.

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Bonsai Books & Video 
More Accessories

Bonsai Seeds 
Table-Top Fountains 
Wire Tree Sculpture 
Artificial/Preserved Bonsai Trees
Bonsai FAQ 
Introduction to the Art of Bonsai 
Detailed History of Bonsai 
All About Bonsai 

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My addiction started early in life. Some were cute; some were plain. Some were large and some were small. There were those that would flower and those that would bear fruit ----- it made no difference to me. I was hooked !

As I look back over the years, I can recall with certainty the actual event that kept me riveted to my hobby and down the path of personal fulfillment. I signed up for my first series of hands-on bonsai classes and later joined my first bonsai club. It was there that I could engross myself in the techniques of the ancient art of bonsai. Before too long, I was teaching the craft to my family and friends and becoming more and more immersed in bonsai activities. Then I joined a second bonsai club. By this time, my small collection had become a large collection, and then a hugecollection. My wife and I knew, cared for, and named each and everyone of our trees ---- they became our fun family.
As time passed, we took our hobby of personally growing and training bonsai to another level. We took the show "on the road" to street fairs, craft and flower shows and finally to malls. You can imagine how difficult it was lugging around 5000 lbs. of trees, setting up and breaking down our display, being away from home for days on end. Like our trees, we too grew older and realized that in order to remain active in bonsai, we needed a better way to market our products. In 1993, well before the average person heard of cyberspace, we created a website which has expanded over the years to meet the needs of our customers. Today our internet business has grown to the point where our cyber customers are our primary focus and we no longer do shows.
We keep our prices low by hiring no outside help. As a highly successful family operated business, we take great pride in providing special attention to each and every order. Our customers appreciate the care and effort that we put into selecting and shipping their trees. By utilizing the latest packaging and shipping techniques, we also add to the impressiveness of each gift.

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