
Saturday, December 30, 2023

Dec 31 Celebrations


As the curtain falls on this year, let's not just raise a glass, but lift our hearts.

Join me in a quiet prayer, not for fireworks or fanfare, but for peace - a whisper woven into the winds, a melody that soothes the world's weary soul.

Let's vow to be better. Kinder, braver, gentler versions of ourselves. To leave footprints of kindness, not greed, on this shared planet.

For our home, Earth, cradles us all. Let's be her protectors, not plunderers. Plant seeds of hope, not waste, nurturing her bounty for generations to come.

May we build civilizations not etched in steel, but in empathy, where knowledge lights the way and understanding bridges divides.

So tonight, beneath this shared sky, let's pledge to be architects of a brighter tomorrow. A world where whispers of peace roar into action, where every sunrise promises a better chapter.

Happy New Year, not just for a day, but for the year to be.

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The most prominent celebration on December 31st is undoubtedly New Year's Eve, a global event marking the last day of the year and welcoming the fresh start of a new one. It's a time for reflection, revelry, and resolutions, with festivities and traditions varying widely across cultures and countries.

Here are some of the most common ways people celebrate December 31st: 

Parties and gatherings:  From extravagant galas to intimate home gatherings, people come together to share food, drinks, laughter, and countdown the final moments of the year.

Fireworks displays: Spectacular fireworks light up the night sky in many cities and towns around the world, symbolizing the burning away of the old and the bright promise of the new.

Countdown traditions: From the iconic ball drop in New York City's Times Square to unique local customs, people gather to count down the final seconds of the year and erupt in cheers as the clock strikes midnight.

Traditional customs: Many cultures have specific traditions associated with December 31st. For example, in Spain, people eat 12 grapes at midnight,(listen to the Podcast) one for each month of the coming year, for good luck. In Greece, smashing a pomegranate against the door symbolizes prosperity and abundance.

Beyond New Year's Eve, December 31st also hosts several other noteworthy celebrations:

  • National Champagne Day: A perfect excuse to uncork a bottle of bubbly and toast to the occasion!

  • Universal Hour of Peace: A global initiative encouraging meditation and reflection for peace at the turn of the year. Beginning just 30 minutes before the clock strikes twelve on New Year’s Eve and ending at 12:30am on January 1, the Universal Hour of Peace is celebrated in each time zone, rendering it a full 24 hour day of celebration all throughout the world.

  • Make Up Your Mind Day: A lighthearted reminder to resolve any lingering indecisions before the new year arrives.
  • Leap Second Time Adjustment Day: On rare occasions, an extra second is added to the clock to keep it synchronized with Earth's rotation.

Blog Dec 31 Celebrations


Reading about everyday celebrations can offer a variety of benefits, including:
  1. Broadening your perspective and appreciation for the world around you: By exploring different cultures, traditions, and customs, you can gain a deeper understanding of the rich tapestry of human experience. You may discover new ways to celebrate everyday moments and find inspiration for incorporating more joy and meaning into your own life.

  2. Enhancing your creativity and imagination: Reading about everyday celebrations can spark your creativity and imagination. You may find yourself inspired to create your own unique traditions or find new ways to appreciate the little things in life.

  3. Connecting with others and fostering a sense of community: Reading about how others celebrate can help you connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures. You may find common ground and shared values, and you may even learn about new ways to celebrate together.

  4. Promoting gratitude and mindfulness: By taking time to appreciate the everyday celebrations that surround us, we can cultivate a sense of gratitude and mindfulness. This can help us focus on the positive aspects of our lives and reduce stress and anxiety.

  5. Enriching your understanding of history and culture: Everyday celebrations often reflect the history and culture of a particular place or time. By reading about these celebrations, you can gain a deeper understanding of the values, beliefs, and customs of different societies.

  6. Providing a sense of escapism and joy: Reading about other people's celebrations can transport you to different worlds and provide a welcome break from everyday life. You may find yourself feeling more joyful, optimistic, and connected to the wider human experience. 

  7.  Some links in this article are commissionable links. This means that if you click on one of these links and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I truly believe in, and I hope this disclosure does not deter you from clicking on my links.

Friday, December 29, 2023

December 29 Celebrations, National Square Dancing Day, Tick Tock Day, Pepper Pot Day, No Interruptions Day.


December 29 Celebrations

YouTube Summary>

  • National Square Dancing Day: Put on your boots and get ready to do-si-do! Join a local square dancing club or gather fr34erdfc ciends for a lively evening of this traditional dance.
  •  Tick Tock Day, observed annually on December 29th, is a delightful reminder to get those wheels turning and wrap up anything lingering on your to-do list before the year ends. 

  • Pepper Pot Day! This delicious day comes around every December 29th, celebrating the iconic Philadelphia pepper pot soup. 

  • No Interruptions Day, another way to mark your calendar on this day! While not as widely celebrated as some other national holidays, it serves a specific purpose that resonates with many people.

National Square Dancing Day, celebrated on December 29th, is the perfect excuse to tap into your inner square dance enthusiast! Here are some ways to embrace this joyous celebration:

Get your groove on:

  • Join a local square dance club: Check your community center, parks and recreation department, or online resources to find a club welcoming dancers of all skill levels. They often offer beginner lessons and friendly dance sessions.
  • Gather your friends and family: Even without formal experience, you can create your own mini square dance party! Learn basic steps online, put on some lively tunes, and let the fun unfold.
  • Attend a special event: Many dance organizations and community centers host public square dances on National Square Dancing Day. Look for workshops, demonstrations, or open dance sessions to celebrate the day.

Embrace the cultural heritage:

  • Learn about the history of square dancing: This folk dance has roots in various European traditions, evolving and merging over centuries. Discover its fascinating journey and appreciate its diverse influences.
  • Explore different styles of square dancing: From classic American styles like Western square dance and Appalachian clogging to international variations like English Country Dance and French Quadrille, each style offers unique steps and cultural nuances.
  • Immerse yourself in the music: From lively fiddle tunes to upbeat bluegrass melodies, square dancing thrives on energetic soundtracks. Create a playlist of your favorite tunes or attend an event with live music to fully experience the cultural vibe.

Spread the cheer:

  • Dress up in traditional attire: While not mandatory, adding a touch of traditional flair with colorful skirts, plaid shirts, or cowboy boots can enhance the festive atmosphere.
  • Share your experience on social media: Use the hashtag #NationalSquareDancingDay to connect with other enthusiasts, share photos and videos of your celebration, and encourage others to join the fun.
  • Volunteer or teach others: If you're a seasoned square dancer, consider volunteering at local events or starting a beginner's class. Sharing your knowledge and passion can help revive this vibrant tradition and create new generations of square dance lovers.

Tick Tock Day, a playful reminder to tackle any unfinished tasks before the year ends. It's a chance to:

  • Conquer lingering to-dos: Whether it's that report at work, the unread stack of books, or finally organizing your closets, Tick Tock Day is a nudge to tackle those things you've been putting off. Imagine the satisfaction of crossing them off and entering the new year with a clean slate!
  • Prepare for a fresh start: Clearing the decks in December leaves you feeling lighter and more ready to embrace the possibilities of the year ahead. Less unfinished business means more space for exciting new goals and adventures.
  • Reflect and celebrate: Take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments throughout the year, big and small. Celebrate what you've achieved and use the lessons learned from unfinished tasks to inform your goals for the next year.
  • Embrace a sense of urgency: The ticking clock of December 29th adds a fun layer of motivation. It's a playful reminder that time is precious and there's no better time than now to get things done!

Here are some ideas to make the most of Tick Tock Day:

  • Create a "Tick Tock List" of tasks you want to finish before the new year.
  • Set achievable goals for the day: Don't overwhelm yourself - choose a few key tasks to focus on.
  • Reward yourself for completing tasks: Give yourself a small treat for each item you check off your list.
  • Turn it into a social event: Enlist friends or family to join you in tackling your goals together.
  • Have fun! Don't forget to enjoy the process of getting things done.

So, how will you celebrate Tick Tock Day? Remember, even small progress counts. So grab your planner, make that list, and let the ticking inspire you to conquer your year-end goals with a flourish!

Bonus Tip: Pair Tick Tock Day with No Interruptions Day, also celebrated on December 29th! Find a quiet space, silence your notifications, and focus on deep work to maximize your productivity and enjoy the satisfaction of checking off those tasks.

Pepper Pot Day is a fantastic way to warm up on this chilly December 29th. Here are some fun things you can do to celebrate:

Savor the Soup:

  • Cook up a pot: If you're adventurous, try your hand at making the classic tripe-based recipe. There are also plenty of vegetarian and alternative versions available, so find one that suits your taste.
  • Support local: Many restaurants offer pepper pot soup specials on December 29th. Head out and enjoy a hot bowl, soak up the atmosphere, and celebrate local culinary traditions.
  • Share the love: Invite friends and family over for a cozy pepper pot feast. It's a great way to connect, share stories, and enjoy this unique soup together.

Embrace the History:

  • Learn about its origins: Discover the interesting history of pepper pot soup, from its roots in Caribbean street food to its legend of sustaining George Washington's troops.
  • Visit a museum: Some museums, especially in Philadelphia, have exhibits dedicated to this iconic dish.Immerse yourself in its cultural significance and appreciate its role in American history.
  • Share the story: Spread the word about Pepper Pot Day and this flavorful soup's heritage. You might just inspire someone to give it a try!

Additional Ideas:

  • Host a pepper pot recipe contest: Get creative and have friends and family share their own versions of the soup. Judge based on taste, originality, and presentation.
  • Pair it with a movie: Make it a movie night and choose a film set in Colonial America or featuring food as a central theme. Pepper pot soup and a good movie are a perfect winter combination.
  • Write a poem or song: Let your creativity flow and express your love for pepper pot soup through words or music. Share your creations with others and add a unique twist to the day's celebration.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, Pepper Pot Day is a delightful reminder to enjoy delicious food, connect with loved ones, and appreciate the history and spirit of this iconic dish. So warm up a bowl, share the story, and savor the season!

No Interruptions Day, also celebrated on December 29th, provides a much-needed antidote to the constant buzz and distraction of our modern lives. It's a day to carve out space for focused work, deep thought, and personal rejuvenation, free from the pinging notifications and demands of others.

Here are some ways to make the most of No Interruptions Day:

Planning and Setting Boundaries:

  • Inform others: Let colleagues, family, and friends know about your intention to observe No Interruptions Day. Set boundaries by silencing notifications, turning off your phone, or putting up a "Do Not Disturb" sign.
  • Schedule your focus: Create a plan for the day, identifying specific tasks or projects you want to prioritize. Allocate dedicated time slots for each and stick to the schedule.
  • Find your haven: Identify a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be interrupted. Libraries, coffee shops, or a secluded corner of your own home can work well.

Embracing Deep Work:

  • Minimize distractions: Close unnecessary tabs and applications, put your phone on silent, and avoid multitasking. Create an environment conducive to deep concentration.
  • Savor the quiet: Enjoy the feeling of uninterrupted work and focused thinking. Notice how your productivity and creativity increase when you aren't constantly pulled in different directions.
  • Celebrate your progress: Take breaks to stretch, move around, and reward yourself for completing tasks. Acknowledge your accomplishments and take pride in your ability to work uninterrupted.

Going Beyond the Day:

  • Use it as a springboard: No Interruptions Day can be a starting point for developing better habits around managing distractions and prioritizing focus time.
  • Schedule regular "focus blocks": Incorporate similar periods of uninterrupted work into your regular routine, even if it's just for a few hours each week.
  • Communicate your needs: Talk to colleagues and loved ones about your need for focused time and how they can support you in achieving it.

Remember, No Interruptions Day is about reclaiming your attention and rediscovering the power of deep work. So, unplug, silence the noise, and experience the satisfaction of accomplishment in a world free from distractions. Have a productive and rejuvenating No Interruptions Day!

No Interruptions Day and Tick Tock Day, celebrated on December 29th, encourage focused action. However, they have distinct nuances:


  • No Interruptions Day: Prioritizes deep, uninterrupted work and mental clarity. It's about carving out space for personal projects, creative pursuits, or simply recharging without external demands.
  • Tick Tock Day: Emphasizes productivity and task completion. It encourages tackling unfinished business, clearing to-do lists, and preparing for a fresh start in the new year.


  • No Interruptions Day: Promotes slowing down and intentional focus. Activities like meditation, reflection, writing, or focused study align well with this day.
  • Tick Tock Day: Encourages a sense of urgency and momentum. Checking off tasks, organizing systems, and setting goals for the new year are examples of how to celebrate this day.


  • No Interruptions Day: Aims for increased well-being, reduced stress, and improved mental clarity. The focus is on personal reflection and rejuvenation.
  • Tick Tock Day: Aims for increased productivity, a sense of accomplishment, and preparation for the year ahead. The focus is on tangible outcomes and getting things done.

In a nutshell:

  • No Interruptions Day: Quiet contemplation to reawaken inner power.
  • Tick Tock Day: Energetic action to conquer unfinished tasks and make a fresh start.


Reading about everyday celebrations can offer a variety of benefits, including:
  1. Broadening your perspective and appreciation for the world around you: By exploring different cultures, traditions, and customs, you can gain a deeper understanding of the rich tapestry of human experience. You may discover new ways to celebrate everyday moments and find inspiration for incorporating more joy and meaning into your own life.

  2. Enhancing your creativity and imagination: Reading about everyday celebrations can spark your creativity and imagination. You may find yourself inspired to create your own unique traditions or find new ways to appreciate the little things in life.

  3. Connecting with others and fostering a sense of community: Reading about how others celebrate can help you connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures. You may find common ground and shared values, and you may even learn about new ways to celebrate together.

  4. Promoting gratitude and mindfulness: By taking time to appreciate the everyday celebrations that surround us, we can cultivate a sense of gratitude and mindfulness. This can help us focus on the positive aspects of our lives and reduce stress and anxiety.

  5. Enriching your understanding of history and culture: Everyday celebrations often reflect the history and culture of a particular place or time. By reading about these celebrations, you can gain a deeper understanding of the values, beliefs, and customs of different societies.

  6. Providing a sense of escapism and joy: Reading about other people's celebrations can transport you to different worlds and provide a welcome break from everyday life. You may find yourself feeling more joyful, optimistic, and connected to the wider human experience. 

  7.  Some links in this article are commissionable links. This means that if you click on one of these links and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I truly believe in, and I hope this disclosure does not deter you from clicking on my links.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

December 28 Celebrations, National Short Film Day, National Card Playing Day, National Chocolate Candy Day, Pledge of Allegiance Day, National Short Film Day


December 28 Celebrations

YouTube Summary>

December 28th offers a vibrant mix of celebrations, ranging from quirky traditions to historical commemorations. Here are some highlights to consider:

National Short Film Day: Embrace the art of storytelling in its concise form! Attend film screenings, participate in workshops, or even try your hand at creating your own short film.

National Card Playing Day: Gather your friends and family for a round of your favorite card game. Whether it's poker, Uno, or a classic board game, enjoy the fun of friendly competition and connection.

National Chocolate Candy Day: Indulge your sweet tooth with delicious chocolate treats! Bake decadent brownies, whip up some hot cocoa, or simply savor your favorite chocolate bar.

Pledge of Allegiance Day: Commemorate the adoption of the Pledge of Allegiance in 1942. Reflect on the significance of these words and what they mean to you.

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National Short Film Day:  Is a fantastic opportunity to dive into the world of concise storytelling! Whether you're a seasoned film buff or a curious newcomer, here are some ways to celebrate:

Immerse yourself in short films:

  • Festivals and screenings: Many cities and online platforms host special events showcasing short films throughout the day. Check local listings or websites like Short of the Week or Vimeo for exciting programs.
  • Streaming services: Platforms like Netflix, Mubi, or even YouTube offer curated collections of short films across various genres. Curl up with some popcorn and explore diverse narratives.
  • Short film libraries: If you're lucky enough to have a nearby short film library, visit and browse their collection. You might discover hidden gems you wouldn't find elsewhere.

Become a creator:

  • Make your own short film: Grab your camera, gather your friends, and unleash your creativity! Even a simple phone camera can tell a compelling story. You can find numerous filmmaking tutorials and resources online.
  • Attend workshops or challenges: Many organizations host workshops on various aspects of short filmmaking, from screenwriting to editing. Participating can hone your skills and inspire new ideas.

  • Join online communities: Connect with other aspiring filmmakers online through forums or social media groups. Share your work, receive feedback, and collaborate on projects.

Spread the word and celebrate:

  • Organize a viewing party: Gather your friends and family for a screening of your favorite short films or ones you find interesting. Discuss the stories, themes, and filmmaking techniques together.
  • Share your favorite films online: Write reviews, recommend short films on social media, or even create a curated playlist for others to enjoy. Help amplify the voices of talented filmmakers.
  • Support short film initiatives: Many organizations and festivals rely on funding and volunteers to showcase and support short filmmakers. Consider donating, volunteering, or raising awareness about their work.

Remember, National Short Film Day is about celebrating the power of storytelling within a condensed format. Embrace the diverse voices, innovative techniques, and emotional depth that short films offer. Who knows, you might discover your next favorite story or even find your calling as a filmmaker!

National Card Playing Day, celebrated on December 28th, is the perfect excuse to gather your friends and family for a night of fun and friendly competition! Here are some ideas to make the most of this special day:

Classic Fun:

  • Dust off the old favorites: Pull out your decks of Poker, Rummy, Euchre, or Bridge and rekindle the spirit of classic card games. Teach old games to younger generations or introduce them to your personal favorites.
  • Tournament Time: Organize a mini-tournament with friends or neighbors. Create brackets, award prizes, and crown the ultimate card shark!

  • Learn a new game: Expand your repertoire by teaching each other a new card game. There are countless resources online and in libraries to discover games you've never played before.

Themed Twists:

  • Casino Night: Put on your poker faces and dress up for a casino-themed card night. Decorate with themed decorations, make poker chips with cardstock and markers, and even offer mock cocktails for that Vegas vibe.
  • Board Game Bonanza: Combine card games with board games for a unique twist. Try games like Carcassonne or Tokaido that incorporate card mechanics for an engaging hybrid experience.

  • Themed Decks: Find card game decks with exciting themes like fantasy, sci-fi, or even history. Immerse yourselves in the world of your chosen theme and let it add a layer of fun to your gameplay.

Beyond the Deck:

  • Snacks and Drinks: Fuel your card-playing marathon with fun snacks and drinks. Set up a charcuterie board, make pizza night, or whip up some themed cocktails for the occasion.
  • Music and Ambiance: Create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere with some gentle music in the background. Decorate with candles, lights, and cozy blankets for an extra touch of comfort.
  • Capture the Memories: Take photos and videos of your game night to mark the occasion. You can create scrapbooks, albums, or even share them on social media to spread the card-playing cheer.

Remember, National Card Playing Day is about connecting with loved ones, creating memories, and enjoying the simple pleasure of playing cards. So shuffle the deck, deal the cards, and let the fun begin!

National Chocolate Candy Day, celebrated on December 28th, is the perfect excuse to indulge in your sweet tooth and celebrate the irresistible world of chocolate! Here are some ways to make the most of this decadent day:

Indulge in deliciousness:

  • Bake your own: Gather your loved ones and whip up a batch of homemade brownies, cookies, or truffles. Get creative with flavors, decorate your creations, and savor the satisfaction of baking from scratch.
  • Go gourmet: Visit your local chocolatier or bakery and treat yourself to some high-quality, handcrafted chocolates. Explore different origins, flavors, and textures to discover your new favorite.
  • Host a tasting party: Organize a blind tasting with friends or family, featuring various chocolate candies from different countries and brands. Share your opinions, discover new favorites, and have some fun along the way.

Get creative with chocolate:

  • DIY cocoa bombs: Craft your own hot chocolate bombs with melted chocolate and marshmallows inside. Decorate them with sprinkles, edible glitter, or mini candy canes for a festive touch.
  • Chocolate fondue fountain: Gather fruits, pretzels, marshmallows, and other dippers for a fun and interactive chocolate fountain experience. Perfect for a party or a cozy night in.
  • Chocolate bark with a twist: Melt your favorite chocolate and add fun toppings like nuts, dried fruit, pretzels, or even chili flakes for a spicy kick. Get creative and personalize your bark!

Spread the chocolate love:

  • Gift homemade treats: Share your baking creations with friends, family, or colleagues. Spread the chocolate joy and make someone's day even sweeter.
  • Support local chocolatiers: Visit your local chocolatier and purchase artisanal chocolates as gifts or simply to treat yourself. They'll appreciate your support, and you'll get to enjoy delicious treats.
  • Donate to a good cause: Donate leftover chocolates or purchase some from a grocery store and give them to a local food bank or homeless shelter. Sharing your cocoa love with those in need makes the day even more meaningful.

Remember, National Chocolate Candy Day is about celebrating the pure joy of chocolate. So, loosen your pants, grab your favorite bar, and let the sweetness take over! Have a chocolate-filled and delightful day!

I hope you have a fantastic National Chocolate Candy Day!

Pledge of Allegiance Day, celebrated on December 28th, commemorates the adoption of the Pledge of Allegiance into the United States Flag Code in 1942. It's a day to reflect on the significance of these words and what they mean to individuals and the nation as a whole. Here are some ways to observe this day:

Engage in Reflection:

  • Recite the Pledge: Take a moment to thoughtfully recite the Pledge of Allegiance, considering the meaning of each word and phrase. Reflect on your personal understanding of patriotism and what it means to be an American.
  • Learn about the History: Explore the history of the Pledge, from its origins in 1892 to its official adoption in 1942. Understand the different interpretations and controversies surrounding the Pledge throughout its history.
  • Discuss with Others: Have conversations with friends, family, or classmates about the significance of the Pledge. Share your perspectives and listen to others' viewpoints with an open mind.

Participate in Activities:

  • Organize a Flag Raising Ceremony: Host a flag raising ceremony in your community or school, inviting others to attend and participate in the recitation of the Pledge.
  • Volunteer with Veterans: Show your appreciation for those who have served the country by volunteering your time or donating to organizations that support veterans.
  • Share on Social Media: Use the hashtag #PledgeofAllegianceDay to share your thoughts and reflections on the day, encouraging others to join the conversation.

Beyond the Ceremony:

  • Promote Civic Engagement: Use Pledge of Allegiance Day as a springboard to discuss and encourage participation in civic duties like voting, volunteering, and staying informed about local and national issues.
  • Respect Diversity: Remember that the Pledge represents a diverse nation with individuals from different backgrounds and beliefs. Respect and celebrate the different interpretations and expressions of patriotism.
  • Focus on Common Ground: While there may be differing opinions on the Pledge and its implications, look for common ground and shared values that unite the nation, such as freedom, equality, and opportunity.

Pledge of Allegiance Day is an opportunity to engage in personal reflection, community activities, and national dialogue. It's a day to remember the ideals and values that the Pledge represents and to explore how those ideals can be put into practice in our daily lives.


Reading about everyday celebrations can offer a variety of benefits, including:
  1. Broadening your perspective and appreciation for the world around you: By exploring different cultures, traditions, and customs, you can gain a deeper understanding of the rich tapestry of human experience. You may discover new ways to celebrate everyday moments and find inspiration for incorporating more joy and meaning into your own life.

  2. Enhancing your creativity and imagination: Reading about everyday celebrations can spark your creativity and imagination. You may find yourself inspired to create your own unique traditions or find new ways to appreciate the little things in life.

  3. Connecting with others and fostering a sense of community: Reading about how others celebrate can help you connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures. You may find common ground and shared values, and you may even learn about new ways to celebrate together.

  4. Promoting gratitude and mindfulness: By taking time to appreciate the everyday celebrations that surround us, we can cultivate a sense of gratitude and mindfulness. This can help us focus on the positive aspects of our lives and reduce stress and anxiety.

  5. Enriching your understanding of history and culture: Everyday celebrations often reflect the history and culture of a particular place or time. By reading about these celebrations, you can gain a deeper understanding of the values, beliefs, and customs of different societies.

  6. Providing a sense of escapism and joy: Reading about other people's celebrations can transport you to different worlds and provide a welcome break from everyday life. You may find yourself feeling more joyful, optimistic, and connected to the wider human experience. 

  7.  Some links in this article are commissionable links. This means that if you click on one of these links and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I truly believe in, and I hope this disclosure does not deter you from clicking on my links.