
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Artificial intelligence Prompts

What are prompts?
Prompts are commands that an AI model can understand to create specific results. They can take on various forms, such as a string of codes, a complete statement, or even just a few words. Prompts can be used to guide the creation of an image or artwork, either by a human artist or by an AI art generation algorithm. Large language models are best thought of as prompt-and-response tools. The models are trained using large amounts of data which is then fine-tuned for a specific task. An effective prompt is clear, concise, and focused, ensuring that the AI understands the user’s intent and delivers the desired output. The importance of prompting cannot be overstated as it allows users to interpret the generated text in a more meaningful way and can improve the quality and diversity of the generated text

Here are some tips and strategies to help you create better prompts for AI:

  1. Determine what your goals are for using AI tools. Knowing what your goals are allows you to be more specific when writing your prompts.
  2. Perform tests like A/B testing to determine which prompts work the best.
  3. Separate your instructions. If you’re using a text-to-text AI tool, write your input in a particular way to make the prompt more effective.
  4. Talk to it like it’s intelligent. When talking to the chatbot, treat it as if you’re conversating with an intelligent human, using natural language and coherent questions to obtain more accurate and useful responses.
  5. Be clear and specific.
  6. Use a thesaurus.  Don’t give up on a concept just because your first prompt didn’t get the result you wanted.


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Como preprarar un documento para Apostillar

- ¿Qué es una Apostilla? 

Una apostilla es una certificación legal que hace que un documento de un país sea válido en otro. Es una certificación internacional comparable a una certificación notarial y puede complementar una certificación notarial local del documento. Una apostilla autentica los sellos y las firmas de los funcionarios en documentos públicos como actas de nacimiento, órdenes judiciales o cualquier otro documento emitido por una agencia federal o certificado por un cónsul estadounidense o extranjero. 

- ¿Cómo preparar un documento para una apostilla? 

Para preparar un documento para una apostilla, necesita tener el original o copia notariada del documento, el nombre del país que lo requiere y el tipo de documento que es. En general, debe tener un documento válido debidamente notariado en los Estados Unidos. También debe asegurarse de que el documento se pueda utilizar legalmente en un país extranjero. 

- Cómo completar y descargar el Formulario de Solicitud de Apostilla?

 Desde la página principal Apostille Spanish Translation Notary ( desplácese hacia abajo hasta encontrar descargas. 

Puede hacer clic en Descargar Formulario de solicitud de Apostilla en inglés de 2023 (pdf), 


 la versión en español: 2023  Formulario para pedir Apostilla (pdf) 

es posible que se habra una pagina de titulo "Redirect Notice", , simplemente oprime el enlace subrayado y se abrira el formulario. 

Toda la información está allí. En este punto, a mediados de julio de 2023, el tiempo de procesamiento de la Apostilla es de aproximadamente 2 a 3 días. Una vez que complete el envío por mensaje de texto o correo electrónico del formulario de solicitud de Apostilla, nos comunicaremos con usted para asegurarnos de que sus documentos estén listos para una Apostilla y responder cualquier pregunta que pueda tener.  Con esto  el pedido está en su lugar y lo guiaremos a través del breve proceso. 

Si tiene preguntas llamenos

How to prepare a document for an apostille

- What is an Apostille?

An apostille is a legal certification that makes a document from one country valid in another. It is an international certification comparable to a notarization, and may supplement a local notarization of the document. An apostille authenticates the seals and signatures of officials on public documents such as birth certificates, court orders, or any other document issued by a federal agency or certified by a U.S. or foreign consul.

- How to prepare a document for an apostille?

 To prepare a document for an apostille, you need to have the original or notarized copy of the document, the name of the country that requires it, and the type of document it is. 

In general, you need to have a valid document that’s been properly notarized in the United States. You also need to make sure that the document is legally able to be used in a foreign country.

- How to complete and download the Apostille Request Form:

    From the main page Apostille Spanish Translation Notary ( scroll down until you find downloads.  

           The you can click on Download 

2023 English Apostille Request Form (pdf)

or the Spanish version:

2023 Espanol Formulario para pedir Apostilla (pdf)

All the information is there.  At this point, mid July 2023, the Apostille processing time is about 2-3 days.

Once complete submit by text or email the Apostille request form, we will contact you to make sure your documents are ready for an Apostille and answer any questions you may have. At this point the order is in place and we'll guide you through the short process.

 Do I need to translate the document for an apostille?

If you need to translate the document, get your quote or estimate in 5 minutes (The translation service offer services in 90+ languages) 

Sergio Musetti

Notary Public

ital @ duck . com

Sacramento, CA




Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Apostille, Notary and Translation update.

 Welcome to our Apostille Service blog! We are a professional team that provides fast and reliable apostille services for your personal and business needs. Our services include notary public if it is needed and translation to any language. We specialize in Spanish and Italian languages, but we can also help you with other languages.

The apostille process may take from 3 to 8 days depending on the document type, origin and destination country. We will keep you informed about the status of your order and provide you with the necessary updates.

Our customer support team is available in Spanish and Italian languages to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality service at an affordable price.
Need a Notary Public to legalize your documents(power of attorney, birth, death, marriage certificates), 
...we provide one near you.
Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!
APOSTILLE  https://CaliforniaApostille.US