
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Factor Quema Grasa

Presentacion gratis revela un consejo inusual que te ayudara a perder peso reapidamente mientras sigues disfrutando de tus comidas favoritas... 

En este corta presentación, te voy a mostrar una estrategia de pérdida de peso algo inusual que te va a ayudar a obtener un vientre plano en menos de 7 días mientras sigues disfrutando de tu comida favorita. 

Este es el primer consejo que siempre enseño a mis pacientes en mi clínica en Estados Unidos. Es el mismo consejo que ha ayudado a una de mis pacientes del que me siento más orgulloso, 

Lori, a perder 5 centímetros de cintura, perder 4 kilos en tan solo 9 días, perder 5 centímetros en cada pierna, perder 2 centímetros en cada brazo y disminuir 3 tallas de vestido. (¡Ahora a los 30 años, usa faldas más cortas que las que usó en el colegio!). Lori al final perdió 40 kilos de grasa y voy a compartir contigo 1 consejo que la ha ayudado a llegar a este resultado. 

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Baja de peso de manera fácil e inteligente con el Factor Quema Grasa, Un Consejo Simple Para Perder 11KG CADA MES, pierde peso, como perder peso rapido, reduccion de peso, hambre, perder kilos, como adelgazar, adelgasar,

Sunday, November 15, 2015

What "umbrella Insurance" and why you need it.

Umbrella Insurance: What It Is and Why You Need It

 Lawsuits are everywhere. What happens when you are found to be at fault in an accident, and a significant judgment is entered against you? A child dives head-first into the shallow end of your swimming pool, becomes paralyzed, and needs in-home medical care for the rest of his or her lifetime. Or, you accidentally rear-end a high-income executive, whose injuries prevent him or her from returning to work. Either of these situations could easily result in judgments or settlements that far exceed the limits of your primary home or auto insurance policies. Without additional coverage, your life savings could be wiped out with the stroke of a judge’s pen.

Typical liability insurance coverage is included as part of your home or auto policy to cover an injured person’s medical expenses, rehabilitation or lost wages due to negligence on your part. The liability coverage contained in your policy also cover expenses associated with your legal defense, should you find yourself on the receiving end of a lawsuit. Once all of these expenses are added together, the total may exceed the liability limits on the home or auto insurance policy. Once insurance coverage is exhausted, your personal assets could be seized to satisfy the judgment.

However, there is an affordable option that provides you with added liability protection. Umbrella insurance is a type of liability insurance policy that provides coverage above and beyond the standard limits of your primary home, auto or other liability insurance policies. The term “umbrella” refers to the manner in which these insurance policies shield your assets more broadly than the primary insurance coverage, by covering liability claims from all policies “underneath” it, such as your primary home or auto coverage.

With an umbrella insurance policy, you can add an addition $1 million to $5 million – or more – in liability coverage to defend you in negligence actions. The umbrella coverage kicks in when the liability limits on your primary policies has been exhausted. This additional liability insurance is often relatively inexpensive in comparison to the cost of the primary insurance policies and potential for loss if the unthinkable happens.

Generally, umbrella insurance is pure liability coverage over and above your regular policies. It is typically sold in million-dollar increments. These types of policies are also broader than traditional auto or home policies, affording coverage for claims typically excluded by primary insurance policies, such as claims for defamation, false arrest or invasion of privacy.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Top Secrets for Speaking Spanish FAST

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  • In just a few days you'll be on your way to speaking Spanish the way YOU want to speak it.

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Two minutes before the armistice ending World War I went into effect...

Two minutes before the armistice ending World War I went into effect... this pic was taken at 10:58AM in Stenay, a commune in the Meuse department in Lorraine in north-eastern France.

The United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War I when it passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926, with these words:

Whereas the 11th of November 1918, marked the cessation of the most destructive, sanguinary, and far reaching war in human annals and the resumption by the people of the United States of peaceful relations with other nations, which we hope may never again be severed, and
Whereas it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations; and
Whereas the legislatures of twenty-seven of our States have already declared November 11 to be a legal holiday: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), that the President of the United States is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on November 11 and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all other peoples.
2015 Holiday Schedule
Thursday, January 1New Year’s Day
Monday, January 19Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, February 16*Washington’s Birthday
Monday, May 25Memorial Day
Friday, July 3**Independence Day
Monday, September 7Labor Day
Monday, October 12Columbus Day
Wednesday, November 11Veterans Day
Thursday, November 26Thanksgiving Day
Friday, December 25Christmas Day
If a loan includes a rescission option, the borrower is given three (3) business days to cancel, beginning with the next business day following either the signing date, the date the borrower receives the Truth in Lending Disclosure, or the date the borrower receives the Notice of Right to Cancel — whichever occurs last. This is called a rescission period.  For example a loan signed on November 9, the rescission period ends on November 13. Usually a lender or a Notary signing agent place the right dates on this form, "Notice of Right to Cancel".